Liz Adamson



The main focus of my work is to help people create the life that they are meant to live. This involves being happy, fulfilled, abundant, in loving relationships and doing the work that they are most suited to. When we are not experiencing these qualities in our life, it is either because we do not understand and work with the natural laws of our existence or we have blockages from the past. Most of what I do is clearing these blockages with my clients.

What gets in our way is usually not part of our conscious awareness. It is only by clearing the things that prevent change from the unconscious mind that we can begin to make the changes in our conscious one. Most of our blockages are negative beliefs, emotions and patterns which repeat time and again. These things will manifest in many different ways in our lives. If we can find the root cause of our issues and clear them at source then there is a knock on effect in all aspects of ourselves and the lives we lead.

If we want to find out what is in our unconscious that is detrimentally affecting us, we have only to look at the mirror which is our life. How do we relate to all the various members of our family? Are we in a loving relationship or what patterns and emotions have emerged in our relationship? How do we treat and react to money? Are we doing the lifework that we are here to do? What is our health like? How do we relate to our bodies? All these areas will give us invaluable information about what needs to clear.

We can transform ourselves with relative ease, increase our awareness of ourselves and learn how we can create the life we were born to live instead of unconsciously recreating and reacting as we have done before.



These 3 hour sessions look at the clues of your life and what they are trying to convey to you and do the necessary clearing to remove them from the unconscious mind. These blocks may come from childhood or even further back into past lives.

Cost: £50



I am availabe to do talks and workshops on a variety of subjects. Prices will vary depending on the venue and number of participants. In a workshop there would need to be minimum of 6-10 people for an intensive day.

Call for information on cost and availability.


For more information email:

or telephone: 01732 810430

Liz has authored a number of books, tapes and tools which have helped many people come to a deeper understanding of themselves.

These are published by Edenbooks

click here form more information.